Student PDLP
National Digital Literacy Programme (NDLP)
At MOE’s Committee of Supply Debate in March 2020, MOE launched the National Digital Literacy Programme (NDLP) for our schools to help students strengthen their digital literacy. One of the components of the NDLP is the introduction of the Personalised Digital Learning Programme (PDLP) for all secondary school students, whereby every secondary school student will own a school-prescribed Personal Learning Device (PLD) by end-2021.
Every student is required to have a device for teaching and learning purposes and is encouraged to purchase one through the school via MOE’s bulk tender. Students are encouraged to use the device model prescribed by the school, as the uniformity of systems and software would ensure a smooth learning experience for everyone.
At Juying Secondary School, your child will be using the PLD frequently in class and out-of-class.
The devices will be used both in and out of class for learning, to promote active learning and greater personalisation.
In class, the devices will be used to support learning of the curriculum subjects independently or collaboratively.
Beyond the classroom, students will be able to use the device for home-based learning.
Students can review past lessons, access digital resources on the Singapore Student Learning Space (SLS) platform and other digital platforms to enhance their learning, or explore topics of their own personal interests using the device.
They can also make use of digital tools such as calendaring and note-taking applications to enhance their personal productivity.
It goes beyond the provision of a device but requires a shift in the way lessons are designed and enacted to provide the learning experiences to ‘find, think, apply and create’ through the mediated use of technology.
The ‘Find, Think, Apply and Create’ framework:

Parent Handbook
Click on the link below to view or download the Parent Handbook.
Parent Handbook | on Learning with a PLD_2025.pdf
Parent Handbook | on Learning with a PLD_2025.pdf
FAQs for the Roll-Out of the Personal Learning Devices
Click on the link below to view or download the FAQ list
Set of FAQs for school reference_2025.pdf
PDLP @ Juying
Juying Secondary will continuously engage our students and parents/guardians
by sharing our school’s approach and implementation plan for PDLP.
Click the following for the Parents Engagement Slides.
Parents Engagement Slides Deck_2025.pdf
Here are some useful resources to help your child make use of the PLD safely and effectively.
On Verifying Online Information: Click here
Dear Parents, if your child encounters any technical issues pertaining to their PLD, he or she can approach the school's IT helpdesk thru the following means
1. Approach any of the IT support staff at Computer Lab 1 during recess time or after school (latest by 5pm)
Mr Tan Jian Wei (Desktop Engineer ) | Ms Nur Adilah (ICT Associate)